
  • Dc Voltage Source Pspice
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 7. 21:43
    1. Dc Voltage Source Library Pspice
    2. Pspice Dependent Voltage Source
    Dc voltage source ltspice

    Dc Voltage Source Library Pspice

    Some versions of PSpice allow you to ask for a current through a resistor without using a voltage source (EX: I(R1) gives the current in the resistor R1). Dependent Sources Voltage controlled voltage source: Ename N1 N2 NC1 NC2 Value. Voltage controlled current source: Gname N1 N2 NC1 NC2 Value. Current controlled voltage source.

    The symbol of an independent voltage source is V, and the general form for assigning dc and transient value isV (Name) N+ N- DC (value)+ (transient value)+ PULSE SIN EXP PWL SFFM source argumentsNote:-The first column with +(plus) signifies continuation of the P Spice statement.After the + sign, the statement can continue in any column.N+ is the positive node, and N- is the negative node as shown in the above fig(a). Positive current flows from node N+ through the voltage source to the negative node N-.The voltage source need not be grounded. For the dc and transient values, the default value is zero. None or all of the dc and transient values may be specified.A source can be assigned either a dc value or a transient value. The source is set to the dc value in dc analysis.


    The time dependent source (e,g.PULSE,EXP, or SIN) is specified for transient analysis. A voltage source may be used as an Ammeter in P Spice by inserting a zero-valued voltage source in to the circuit for the purpose of measuring current.Typical StatementsV1 15 0 6VV2 15 0 DC 6VVPULSE 10 0 PULSE (0 1 2NS 2NS 2NS 50NS 100NS)VIN 12 3 DC 15V SIN (0 2V 10KHZ)INDEPENDENT CURRENT SOURCEThe symbol of an independent current source is I, and the general form for assigning dc and transient value isI(Name) N+ N- DC (value)+ (transient value)+ PULSE SIN EXP PWL SFFM source argumentsN+ is the positive node, and N- is the negative node as shown in the above fig(b). Positive current flows from node N+ through the current source to the negative node N-.The current source need not be grounded. The source specifications are similar to those for independent voltage sources.Typical StatementsI1 15 0 2MAI2 15 0 DC 2MAIPULSE 10 0 PULSE (0 1V 2NS 2NS 2NS 50NS 100NS)IIN 22 22 DC 2 SIN(0 2V 10KHZ). The symbol of a source with single –frequency frequency modulation is SFFM, and the general form is:SFFM (V0 VA FC MOD FS)The Model Parameters Of an Single- Frequency Frequency ModulationName Meaning Units DefaultVO Offset Voltage Volts NoneVA Amplitude of Voltage Volts NoneFC Carrier Frequency Hertz 1/ TSTOPMOD Modulation Index 0FS Single Frequency Hertz 1/ TSTOPVO and VA must be specified by the user and can be either voltage or currents.TSTOP is the stop time during transient (.TRAN) analysis. The wave form is of the form byV = VO + VA sin(2πfct)+M sin(2πfSt)Typical statements.VO =0,VA=1V,fc=30MHz,MOD=5,fS=5KHz,the model statement is,SFFM ( 0 1V 30MHZ 5 5KHZ )With VO =1Mv and VA=2V, the model becomesSFFM ( 1MV 2V 30MHZ 5 5KHZ. The symbol of Piecewise linear source is PWL.TF (Small Signal Transfer Function)the small signal Transfer function capability of P Spice can be used to compute the small signal DC gain, the input resistance and the output resistance of a circuit.If V(1) and V(4) are the input and output variables respectively, P Spice calculate the small signal dc gain between nodes 1 and 4,defibned byAV = ∆ V out / ∆ V in = V(4) / V(1)Pspice calculates the small signal dc transfer function by linearizing the circuit around the OP.

    Dc voltage source pspice tutorial

    Pspice Dependent Voltage Source

    The statement for transfer function has one of the following forms.TF VOUT VIN.TF IOUT IINThe.TF command calculates the parameters of an equivalent circuit for the circuit file, it automatically prints the out put and does not require.PRINT,.PLOT,.PROBE statements.DC (DC Sweep)The dc sweep is also known as the dc transfer characteristic. The input variable is varied over a range of values. For each value of the input variable, the dc operating point and the small signal dc gain are computed.The simple statement for dc sweep.DC LIN SWNAME SSTART SEND SINC.DC OCT SWNAME SSTART SEND NP.DC DEC SWNAME SSTART SEND NP.DC SWNAME LIST (Value)SWNAME is the sweep variable (voltage or current).SSTART → sweep start valueSEND → sweep end valueSINC → sweep incremental value (it must be positive, not –ve or zero)NP→ number of stepsLIN→ linear sweepOCT→ sweep by octaveDEC→ sweep by decadeLIST→ list of values.

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